International Relations Diplomatic Visits – June 2023




05 June




08 June




08 June




13 June



28 June





Visit by the Minister President of Flanders

The First Minister and Minister President signed an MOU, and the Minister President also took part in a broader programme, which included a showcase of the Wales Tech and Cultural sectors.


Visit by the UK Ambassador to Qatar

HMA visited Wales to follow up on the visits made by the FM and Minister for Economy to Qatar during the World Cup. He attended a lunch, hosted by the Economy Minister, with Cardiff Airport and the FAW.


Visit by the Catalan government in the UK 

A delegation from Catalonia House in London visited Wales to identify areas of potential collaboration with the prospect of a refreshed and renewed MOU being signed between Wales and Catalonia in the future.


Visit to Wales by the High Commissioner of Malta to the UK

Bilateral with the First Minister to discuss future cooperation and trade.


Visit by the Swiss Ambassador to the UK

Bilateral with the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport & Tourism to discuss the current Free Trade Agreement negotiations, Wales’ life science and fintech capabilities and areas of cooperation.  




19 June






Minister for Economy at Paris Air Show

The Economy Minister travelled to Paris to visit the Wales Pavilion and take part in a programme to showcase our aerospace and space sectors and included meetings with prominent global aerospace companies and current inward investors. The visit formed part of the wider Wales in France 2023 celebrations.